Friday, May 29, 2009

i was that near from getting into semi-finals.
we were that near from winning.
everything that near, so close from medals.
we tried, but not hard enough i guess.
it's one time that i really wanted to win.
at least for team.
high hopes come crashing that hard.
all the efforts, the days where we stayed back.
does that amount to nothing?
i was really counting on us to win.
before going in, we were perfect.
while in the arena ..
damn. damn it.

now that everything is over,
there's no more excuses.
no more i'm tired, i need to train.
no more trainings.
this competition
good in a way, it bonded the pal jang team.
but after all this, i'm starting to miss training already.
yeah it might be some losers' club in people's eyes,
but i never regret joining it.

everything seems different today.

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